
Varovania, Yuma

Air quality

3. 5. 3:02 PM 15:02 – 6. 5. 4:00 AM 4:00

Air Quality Alert issued May 3 at 8:02AM MST by NWS Phoenix AZ The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has issued a PM-10 High Pollution Advisory for the Yuma area on Sunday. An episode of strong and gusty winds is forecast to generate widespread blowing dust that may result in local PM-10 concentrations that pose a health risk. Adverse health effects increase as air quality deteriorates. Coarse particulate matter - also known as PM-10 - is an air contaminant that can aggravate heart and lung disease conditions, especially in older adults, children, and those with asthma. A decrease in physical activity is recommended. Consolidate your travel, stabilize loose soils, slow down or avoid travel on dirt roads, reduce or eliminate fireplace use, and avoid using gas-powered lawn equipment. For details on this High Pollution Advisory, visit the ADEQ internet site at www.azdeq.gov/forecast/yuma or call 602-771-2300.

National Weather Service

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